
Showing posts with the label Homeschool

BEST Christian Homeschool Curriculum Packages Reviewed

#Homeschool | Find the best Christian homeschool curriculum packages. Opportunity for Christian parents to give their children a high standard of education. Checkout reviews. to Continue Reading...... Homeschool Myth vs Our Homeschool Reality #Homeschool | Let me debunk of few myths about homeschooling.   If you’re like me you probably had ideas swirling in your head of how your homeschool days would look.  I envisioned kids curled up on the couch in jammies while we read together, all of us sitting around our large table while everyone colored or worked,Read more read more... The Myth of Independent Work in Elementary #Work | Do you wish your children were independent learners or at least able to work on a few subjects independently? I used to tell people that one of my goals in homeschooling my children was to create independent learners who had a strong sense of personal responsibility. I’m now learning that this goal is a loftyRead more read more... Evaluating ...